Day #7 5/16/23

What's up blog!  

    Today was another great day of flying and I learned many more things that would help me in landing situations and also engine failure. I did the pre-flight checks all by myself, I can tell each day is getting a little easier because of practice and studying. Which includes what I do in checks of the aircraft and radio calls to the traffic tower. When in the air my instructor and I worked on engine failure situations. We simulated this by setting the engine to idle and putting the flaps down, controlling our speed with the flaps working them up and down to control speed.  Also that we worked on stall situations which my instructor told me was one of the most important things to know when operating an aircraft. In this situation, we also pulled all the power back and pulled back on the steering device setting off the stall alarm. Stalling is where the aircraft is not generating enough lift. We would start the stall which is extremely scary at first because it feels like the plane will just fall from the sky. Then correct it by pointing the plane down to generate speed and apply power to the engine. I learned a lot today because in these situations while flying can save your life. 

Hours at Concord Airport 2: (11-1)

Hours studied 5: (2-5) (9:30-10:30) (6:30-7:30)

42 hours Total


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