Day #4 5/11/23

 Today was a very intense day. I arrived at Concord Airport as usual went over the weather with my instructor and did the pre-flight checks. We taxied down the runway and like yesterday he had me put my hands on the controls as he took off to get a feel for taking off. We worked on sharp turns which were very fun. These turns were at 45 degrees which feels like a lot and was pretty scary. I could really feel the G force on myself doing these turns. We started to fly back to Concord airport because it started to rain and the winds were picking up. The landing was kinda sketchy, right before touch down a big gust of wind pushed the plane too far left and cause us to go full speed and climb. We had to try it again and we got the plane on the ground the second time. This was a scary but also cool experience because you have to be ready for anything in flying.

Hours at Concord airport 2 (1-3)

Hours studied 4 (10-12) and tonight (7-9)

6 hours today

22 hours total


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