Day #1 5/8/23

Today was the first day of flight lessons. I was extremely excited to get out there and learn to fly. My instructor was very nice and these two weeks will be very fun and interesting. Unfortunately, the winds were too high for a first flight. So instead my instructor explained the controls and parts of the aircraft that we will be flying. I learned how all the controls in the cockpit operated and when I would be using them in flight. Then he showed me the preflight checks which are before you take off there is a whole checklist that has to be done. examples are observing the plane exterior, checking the gas and oil, and checking if the flaps work. After that, we went inside and I was shown how pilots can track the weather and how to access apps to help pilots prepare for flight. Tomorrow's weather looks more promising for a first flight and should be a great day.

Time at Concord AirPort 11-1
Time Studied 4-6


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