day #10 5/19/23

What's up blog,

    Today was a great way to end the second week of Senior Project. I could not take off today due to a bad crosswind which would make it very difficult for me. We took off and my instructor gave me a visor to wear where I can only see within the cockpit. This simulates being inside clouds where you cannot see anything. We did simple maneuvers left, right, climbs, and descends. This was very weird being that I cannot see outside of the plane. We then did quick emergency maneuvers for when a plane would be coming head-on toward us. In this situation, we would slow down and push down on the yolk to turn right. This maneuver gave a weird feeling to my stomach because it was so harsh. Today was a good day and I am looking forward to next week so I can possibly land the plane!

Hours at Concord Airport 2: (1-3)

Hours studied 5: (9-12)(4-6)

65 hours total


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