Day #9 5/18/23

What's up blog!

    Today was another successful day of flying. Today I finally was able to take off by myself with just my instructor's closed eye. This was very exciting and also a little scary doing this by myself. But it was actually kinda simple. Once we reach around 55 knots I pulled up on the steering yolk and it took off. Way easier than I thought. Then we just did a fun fly over took Lake Sunapee where I live. I saw my house which was very cool. It was a good day of fun sightseeing and I had a great time. I am still learning on the radio calls which I stumble over a lot. I try my best to focus most of my studying time on working on the radio calls. Also working on what I do in different situations. Hopefully weather is in our favor so I can try landing the plane which is my next goal. 

Hours at Concord Airport 2: (1-3)

Hours studied 6 (8-10) (4-6) Tonight (8-10)

58 total hours 


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