Day #3 5/10/23

 Today was another great day of flying. I arrived at Concord airport and checked in with my instructor. We checked the weather together and found that it was decently windy along with which direction we should take off from depending on wind direction. After that, we headed out to the plane and did the pre-flight checks. Started up the engine and taxied down the runway. Taxiing was still hard but felt more comfortable than yesterday. My instructor flew the plane off the ground and I had my hands on the controls to get a feel for it. Like yesterday, we worked on turning, descending, and climbing. Landing the plane in my opinion is the hardest when we landed the plane today, especially in the wind was a bit nerve-racking. Overall a great day and still learning the controls of everything.  

Hours at Concord Airport: 2 (1pm-3pm)

Hours studied: 4 (10am-12pm) and (4pm-6pm)


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